Sustainable solid
WAste management and

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Latest News

  • SWAP Project Final Event: Strong Partnerships and Achievements

    SWAP Project Final Event: Strong Partnerships and Achievements

    Our project, which aimed to address the challenges of solid waste management in Southeast Asian countries and build capacity in the sector, officially concluded in early January. The project's success was commemorated during a highly productive final management board meeting hosted by CMU University in beautiful Chiang Mai.

  • Sardinia 2023 International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling

    Sardinia 2023 International Symposium on Waste Management and Sustainable Landfilling

    At the Sardinia 2023 International Symposium on Waste Management, the SWAP project partners presented their EU-funded initiative to improve waste management in Southeast Asian countries. The symposium discussed the region's waste management challenges, highlighted the potential of the EU's waste management model, and emphasized the importance of international cooperation and inclusive partnerships involving government, the public, and the private sector. This project represents a significant step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future in these regions.

  •  ERASMUS+ Cluster Meeting & Dissemination of Projects

    ERASMUS+ Cluster Meeting & Dissemination of Projects

    The ERASMUS+ Cluster Meeting in Bangkok on October 2nd and 3rd, 2023, was a crucial event for the SWAP project, which focuses on sustainable waste management and vocational training in Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia. The event featured presentations and live exhibitions, emphasizing the project's commitment to addressing waste management challenges in the region. It marked a significant milestone in the pursuit of sustainability in waste management and education, with SWAP at the forefront.


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