About us

Supporting capacity building in higher education in the field of Sustainable solid WAste management and Policies as well as technical and vocational training of waste practitioners in Vietnam, Thailand and Cambodia.

Asia has registered a steep growth in population and consumption of goods in the last decades. Similar to other parts of the world, the capability of its socio-economic systems to address the disposal of increasing waste amounts still needs to improve. Dedicated professionals for solid waste management are therefore a most valuable resource in these countries.
Building capacities at different educational levels by developing specialised courses and training programs with sustainable governance is one important step to cultivate the professionals of tomorrow. SWAP will introduce new academic and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) products to teachers and trainers, addressing the most pressing topics of waste management.

  • Health and environmental risks
  • Waste treatment unit processes
  • Landfilling: control of emissions on soil, water and air
  • Circular Economy

Additionally, trainees are getting the chance of a concrete and practical experience in the Training Hubs established by the SWAP project. They are going to be sustainably governed by the local institutions, universities, training providers and companies in cooperation. All educational outcomes are going to be made accessible in an OpenOnlineLearningManagementSystem - OOLMS or E-Learning. Get to know our Partners.

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Overview Workpackages

WP 1Gathering information on current practices on Waste Management
WP 2Building capacity for improvement of graduates employability
WP 3Measures and reform policies for the Higher Education Institutions offering TVET
WP 4Synergetic development of educational strategies and policies for academia and TVET
WP 5Quality Plan
WP 6Dissemination and exploitation
WP 7Management of the project

Our Objectives

Developing new training and teaching programmes addressing the issue of sustainable solid waste management and integrating technical education with training sessions addressing business start- up in the field of solid waste management.

Implementing measures and inclusion policies for the informal sector, namely involving this target group to safer and healthier work practices and introducing them to newly developed TVET products.

Setting up Training Hubs that can be used also beyond the project’s closure.

Establishing the TVET products focused on sustainable solid waste management within the activities of newly established “Training Hubs for Sustainable Solid Waste Management and Policies”.

Constitute sustainable synergies and links with the stakeholders in the private sector in order to fulfil their need in specialised personnel handling post- consumer material, training needs and enhancing the employability of university graduates.

Endorsing continuous cooperation, exchange of know-how and good practices between the Southeast Asian region between EU and Southeast Asian HEIs.

Disseminating project results and sustainability concepts in the field of solid waste management to the general public and the society at large, involving in the dissemination process also school students and their relatives.


  • 01.04.2021: M1.1 Report “Solid Waste Management in Southeast Asia: What does the industry expect?
  • 15.03.2022: M2.1 Delivery of the teaching material & M3.1 Delivery of training
  • 15.06.2022: M4.1 Successful implementation and running of OOLMS
  • 15.11.2022: M2.2 Seminars for academic staff training & M2.3 Successful pilot semester
  • 15.03.2023: M3.2 Train-the-trainee sessions
  • 15.06.2023: M4.2 Feasibility studies for the training hubs
  • 15.09.2023: M3.3 Implementation, monitoring and improvements of TVET products and qualification
  • 15.11.2023: M5.1 Results from internal monitoring & M5.2 Results from external monitoring
  • 14.01.2024: M3.4 Successful pilot courses for informal sector representatives & M4.3 Implementation of “Multi-stakeholder governance teams”