
Consortium Meeting and Workshops in Hamburg

From the12th to the 14th of December 2022, the Consortium Meeting of SWAP took place in Hamburg.

From the 12th to the 14th of December 2022, the consortium meeting of SWAP took place in Hamburg. Partners and students from Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Greece and Italy braved the freezing temperatures and came to Hamburg in the pre-Christmas season. The consortium met to discuss feedback on the developed teaching materials and to improve them. Also, the students of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) presented their intermediate presentations for the International Waste Management course by developing a waste management plan for one Southeast Asian country of their choice. The students received direct feedback from the country experts and made valuable contacts. The partners were also given a tour of the TUHH university buildings and were able to visit the laboratories of the Institute of Circular Resource Engineering and Management (CREM). Furthermore, the partners visited the waste recycling plant at Rugenberger Damm (MVR) in Hamburg. Every citizen in Germany produces an average of 200 to 250 kg of waste per year, so a family of four produces around one ton of waste annually. When the waste is incinerated, energy is released in the form of heat. This heat is used in the steam generator to convert the boiler feed water into steam, which in turn generates electricity. The steam is also used for decoupling into Hamburg’s district heating network. This gave the partners an valuable insight into waste utilization in Germany.
