EUROTraining is an educational organisation and proud to be one of the four European Partners of SWAP Project consortium.
General information
EUROTraining is a Vocational Educational Centre of national scope, which holds three affiliations in three main cities in Greece - Athens, Thessaloniki and Volos. The organization is specialised in the sectors of Entrepreneurship, ICT, Financial Management and Tourism and aims to satisfy the needs of enterprises, bodies & organizations both in the public and the private sector, by addressing the labor potential of the market who wants to upgrade their qualifications and abilities. This may include unemployed people, newly employed people, new and young entrepreneurs, employees, disabled people, enterprises officers, graduates of high schools and Universities, and others.
EUROTraining provides modern vocational training programs, web-based Learning Management Systems, human resources training seminars, and inter-entrepreneurship training seminars. Its main objectives are the
- acquisition and development of qualifications and professional skills for employees,
- upgrade and the continuous update of professional skills for individuals,
- development and promotion of entrepreneurship with special emphasis on young people,
- the provision of integrated consulting and training services.
Team EUROTraining
Christina Stamataki is an EU Project Manager at EUROTraining with two years of experience in European projects. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and a Master’s degree in European Studies: Integration and European Societies. In my portfolio I have a number of projects on topics related to the circular economy, waste management, eco-entrepreneurship, agricultural entrepreneurship and the eco-upgrading of vocational education and training. In the SWAP project I support the management and implementation of the EUROTraining project.
Violetta Koutsogiannopoulou is the Director of EU Project Implementation Department in EUROTraining, with over 20 years of experience in Project Management and Implementation. I hold a B.Sc. in Aquaculture and Fisheries, a M.Sc. in Estuarine and Coastal Science and Management, as well as a Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics. I have previously worked as a Doctoral Researcher for the Trinity College in Dublin, and as a research analyst and research consultant in institutes and companies.From my current position, I am responsible for the functionality of a team of 8-10 Project Managers by providing constant guidance and instruction. In my portfolio there is a great variety of EU-funded projects (ERASMUS+, INTERREG Europe, INTERREG MED & ADRION, ENI-CBC MED, AMIF, REC, CERV, EIT Raw Materials) in areas that range from Circular Economy and Waste Management to Vocational Education and Training for vulnerable groups, and Policy Transformation energy efficiency and SME competitiveness for European regions.
SWAP Activities run by EUROTraining
The EUROTraining Team is involved in numerous activities in the project, but mainly as Leader of Workpackage 2: Building capacity for improvement of graduates’ employaility. The Team is also responsible for the Tasks 2.1 and 2.2 which comprise
- Preparatory activities for the workshops and the study visits
- Two workshops for definition of university educational products
- Development of teaching material (existing courses or a newly established courses on Sustainable Solid Waste Management)
- Delivery of teaching material to the Asian Partners for translation into the local language
- and academic staff training.
Additionally, EUROTraining is developing teaching and training material together with the European Universities TUHH and POLIBA - and complements with its expertise on the Circular Economy concept, risk assessment and occupational health.