
Introduction #4: EUROTraining

Introduction #4: EUROTraining

EUROTraining is an educational organisation and proud to be one of the four European Partners of SWAP Project consortium.

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World Environment Day

World Environment Day

Since we only have this one planet, we need to conserve it. The World Environment Day on 5th June reminds us that now is the best moment to clean up #GenerationRestoration

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Introduction #3: POLIBA

Introduction #3: POLIBA

The Environmental Technologies research group of the Polytechnic University of Bari (POLIBA) is proud to be introduced as the second European University participating in the SWAP project.

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Introduction #2: IFOA

Introduction #2: IFOA

The Institute for Training of Business Operators I.F.O.A. is a not-for-profit, private Training and Employment Agency — and proud to be introduced as second partner of the SWAP Project.

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Website launch

Website launch

We, the partners of the SWAP project, are proud to present our project website.

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Introduction #1: TUHH

Introduction #1: TUHH

The Sustainable Resource and Waste Management research group of the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH) is the coordinating institution of the SWAP Project – and proud to open the round of introductions to the teams and activities of each project partner.

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SWAP Project Kick-off

SWAP Project Kick-off

For the first time the SWAP consortium came together virtually to lay the foundation of successful and productive cooperation for the upcoming three years.

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